Experts in securing blockchain based web applications.

With over 30 years combined application security experience, Palisade is an expert in auditing and securing complex infrastructures. We provide in-depth risk elimination across all manners of clients by combining both attack surface identification and laser focused manual testing.

Contact Us
+1 (402) 718-1389

Areas of Service

Application Security Auditing


With a focus on blockchain based web application security, Palisade offers specialized auditing of assets built on technologies including Web3.js, Solidity, Next,js, Infura, IPFS, and various other blockchain specific implementations. Palisade specializes in all things web, whether a large project across various assets, or a single in-depth application review.

Managed Bug Bounty


Providing services to both launch and manage your bug bounty program, Palisade works to build policy and triage program submissions. We’ll work with you to setup pipelines for receiving actionable security reports from ethical hackers, and additionally offer services to manage vulnerability reports.

Security Training


With emphasis on conferences and virtual trainings, Palisade offers both introductory and advanced level offensive application security training.